søndag 11. desember 2011

Cairo Coffee Poster

Assignment, promotional work done in coloured pencil for a fictional coffee shop

mandag 28. november 2011

The Hunger Games

An assignment and how it looks thus far (I'm supposed to add the author and fix the background a bit, for my own sake) Check the book(s) out as well! They're brilliant.

lørdag 19. november 2011

Halloween '11 in Sunderland

Did I tell you that I had a REALLY good time? Yes? No? Anyway.. I can show you!

 I did some costume research and ended up trying to do a Mary Poppins, and then figured why not just make her a zombie. I was Little Red Riding Hood last year, so I wanted a bit of gore this year.
I had my first try with liquid latex to make some wounds the week before. A good idea, since I had no idea what I was doing. Youtube was good help as always, so I'd recommend checking that out.

First try: 
Liquid latex drying

first try with covering, not at all good
2nd try, on the actual face.. meeh too small!

Ok, and there it was, the big day! (I'm pretty sure no-one else cares about this as much as I do, but I don't really care anymore... MY blog! :] )
Bigger, bolder, braains.

Concealer on and corrective contacts in

Acrylic blood and improvised black+yellow eyeshadow skintone

My german friend Sebastian, and myself ( check out his black contacts.. eery)
The rest of the extremely lovely gang!

Trying to stay in character.

Failing miserably.

All in all, fun was had by all!

As a note, that hat took just about as much time to make as doing the make-up.. I shouldn't have bothered! Oh, and why no bloody clothes you say? Well duh, would Mary Poppins ever allow blood on her clothes, even as a Zombie? I don't think so. (Oh, and they're proper new clothes, I can wear them again? Hell yes!) Gonna go and watch The Walking Dead now, Zombies are just too terrifyingly awesome.

fredag 18. november 2011

Some other stuff

tirsdag 8. november 2011

søndag 6. november 2011

Timid Amy

Timid Amy #3 in The 30 Characters challenge

søndag 30. oktober 2011


Brief: To make a rather small collage based on the nursery rhyme "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son"

Tom, Tom, the piper's son,
Stole a pig, and away did run;
The pig was eat
And Tom was beat,
And Tom went roaring
Down the street

Sketchbook resource and insp. work:

the "sketch"

worked on it quite a bit more and made this:
Took a picture to capture some shadows in the digital version. I also decidet to tweak the colours to make it a bit warmer. I got some great responses, so I was a lot happier with it than I thought I would be at the start!

onsdag 26. oktober 2011


Some of the things I've been working on these past few weeks:

Ink sketch of a taxidermy bird in the "classroom" (The point of it was just to try out the different techniques we'd been going through, like with brush, with nib, wet on dry, dry on wet, using a candle to block out the white, using washes, etc.)

Acrylic week-assignment, to illustrate "The Owl and The Pussycat", I made them out to be two men who wanted to elope in the 19th century(waiscoats!):

The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
    In a beautiful pea green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
    Wrapped up in a five pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
    And sang to a small guitar,
'O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love,
      What a beautiful Pussy you are,
          You are,
          You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!'
Pussy said to the Owl, 'You elegant fowl!
    How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
    But what shall we do for a ring?'
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
    To the land where the Bong-tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
    With a ring at the end of his nose,
          His nose,
          His nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.

'Dear pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
    Your ring?' Said the Piggy, 'I will.'
So they took it away, and were married next day
    By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
    Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
    They danced by the light of the moon,
          The moon,
          The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.


Now this was a week-assignment for inks, we had to do a graphic novel including two of shakespeares characters in any setting. I put The Duke and Viola from Twelfth night together in a 50s/60s setting, inspired by Mad Men. I thought the sexism of the era suited the "quote" nicely. In quote I mean a modernization of the actual words, and shortened quite a bit.

torsdag 20. oktober 2011

English and life drawing

Ok, so I "might" be changing over to English as a main language in this thing here.. It makes a lot more sense because I'm trying to use it even more as a way to expose myself as a Graphic designer/an illustrator, plus my new international friends will be able to understand some of it!

Anyways. I'm in week 4 of actual "lessons", and I must say that a few things have been making me improve a lot, especially life drawing. Basically, what we do on wednesday afternoon is we sit in a dance studio for three hours drawing dancers moving around, and when we're lucky - do some still poses. The tutors here are really adamant that we understand the three dimentions that goes into the human form, and I love and hate that at the same time. It's really hard to nail down a pose when the model is dancing about... And then I get really into in, and whenever we do a pose longer than 15 min I get bored, what is this nonsense? Another thing that has made me better at actually working as hard as I need on my assignments has been having to turn in one each week. (every monday morning, it's dreadful) Even though I have done a couple of late-night paintings so far, I seem to get better at planning and timing the work for each week. Finally!

I was going to put in a few sketches as well, but it seems the internet cannot handle that at the moment (it's a bit dicey) I might edit them in later or do another post when it's not so slooow.


Edit: These are some of the first ones

onsdag 19. oktober 2011


Yup, just some of the things I've aquired so far..

onsdag 28. september 2011

Så var jeg her da. Over en uke har gått til og med, tenk det? Foreløpig ingen akutt hjemlengsel siden flyturen, men man får vel bare vente og se på det. Første uka gikk ut på litt "bli kjent" saker blant study-abroad studentene, hvor vi blant annet hadde en city treasure hunt hvor jeg var kaptein på vinnerlaget. Litt stolt? Aldri! Og en dagstur til York hvor vi gikk i museer og spiste litt små-fancy fish&chips. Det vil si "hand-battered cod fish with potato wedges" eller noe sånt.

Nå har første ordentlige skoleuke startet og allerede over halvveis over. Jeg har hatt litt problemer med valg av fag/moduler, for de har visst ikke særlig mange av de jeg søkte på, mer korrekt kun 1, men i en annen vanskelighetsgrad. Det har vært mye frem og tilbake, og jeg har vært innom timer og blitt introdusert og alt for å senere innse at det er et fag som går over for lang tid og som jeg derfor ikke kan ta. Er også nervøs om Printmaking går igjennom, for det er eeegentlig ment til å være en følger til et tidligere fag som ikke går før NESTE semester. Så.. Jeg må høre med "the tutor" i morgen og se om det vil være et problem. (krysserfingramassehikst) Akkurat nuh har jeg boltret meg inn på rommet for å slappe av litt, men det sosiale har vært helt utrolig allerede, og det er betryggende å ha når det er så mye annet surr. I dag var jeg i en life drawing class hvor vi tegnet to dansere mens de gikk rundt og ikke stod så særlig stille som jeg er vant med når man tegner mennesker. Kan ha vært lærerikt! Merket hvertfall at det var lenge siden sist. (Ooh, og de hadde på soundtracken til Inception, så det var veldig perfekt). Innen mandag må jeg male et LP-cover i Gouache (hallo gamle uvenn), som skal erstatte Pink Floyds "Dark Side of The Moon". For det er virkelig lett å gjøre noe bedre enn det originale. Right.

Jeg mener hallo! SE på den der!

Jaja, får gjøre mitt beste.

Og så:  mange tilfeldige bilder:

mitt rom
 min utsikt
 Fish & Chips
 Jeg fant The Doctor i et museum i York!

 De første skissene, noen tegnet når modellene var i bevegelse (vanskelig!)

lørdag 17. september 2011


Da dro jeg til England gitt! HOLY SHIIIIT.

torsdag 8. september 2011


søndag 4. september 2011

"Valmuepiken", ellernosånt

Det er hvertfall bursdagsgaven til min mor. Jeg merker det er litt lettere å gi bort ting jeg har laget nå enn det var før, men fortsatt gjør det litt vondt! Ikke å gi slipp på bildet, men om det er 100%  ferdig, bra nok osv.osv. Janteloven klamrer seg fortsatt fast i min underbevissthet.

Her planla jeg ikke så mye på forhånd, og jeg tenkte det ikke som en gave før etter en liten stund, men så merka jeg at fargene minnet mer og mer om smaken til mor, og hun hadde jo et rundt tall kommende noen måneder etter.. Valmuene kom med til sist fordi jeg veit mamma er veldig glad i bilder av de røde blomstene. De ble malt på rett etter 22.juli, så litt ekstra med følelser fulgte akkurat da.

Legger til litt fra prosessen også, mest fordi jeg finner det så interessant i etterkant selv. Malt med standard akryl på ark. (ps, hodet er ikke for lite/øya ligger ikke for lavt, men hårfestet ble "fadet" utover - og jeg så ikke helt at det kunne se pussig ut før den ble hengt opp.. wups.)

Sånn i etterkant angrer jeg på at jeg endret ansiktet såppass mye etter jeg sluttet å se ett bilder, fordi nå er uttrykket endret veldig og virker mindre naturlig. En lærepenge å ta med seg til neste gang, såklart. Virker som om mamma ble fornøyd hvertfall, og det er vel klart det viktigste!